夏利(汽车)Charade (charade n.看手势猜字谜游戏)
-->bumper n.汽车前后的保险杠,缓冲器 -->bump n.撞击(声), 肿块 v.碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸
-->buggy n.<美>童车, <俚>尤指旧汽车, 双轮单座的轻马车 adj.多虫的, 臭虫成灾的, <俚>神经病的
嘉年华 Carnival (carnival n.狂欢节, 饮宴狂欢)
近音词:carnivore n.食肉动物 --> carnivorous adj.食肉类的
maxim: A succinct formulation of a fundamental principle, general truth, or rule of conduct.n.格言, 座右铭
Maxim: 美国一个成人杂志.. (由 mafeizi (LuCas) 补充--感谢)
blizzard n.暴风雪(BLIZZARD美国暴雪游戏公司)
bowdlerize vt.删除(书等的)不妥的文句, 删改, 修订
(Thomas Bowdler 他删改并出版了莎士比亚的戏剧)
boycott n./vt.联合抵制, 联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交 (想必大家都知道这也源自一个人名Boycott)
chauvinism n.盲目的爱国心, 沙文主义 (红宝上说:源自一人名Chauvin,因其过分爱国主义和对拿破仑的忠诚而闻名)
charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子,吹牛者
同义词:mountebank , quack
bogus adj.<美>假的, 伪造的 n.赝品 (bogus好像是一种制造伪钞的机器)
bohemian adj.放荡不羁的;不合习俗的;玩世不恭的 (Bohemian adj.波希米亚的 n.吉普赛人)
bleachers n.<美>(运动场的)露天看台 (想必大多数人都现场看过球吧)
catapult n.弹弓, 飞机弹射器 (这个词让我想起了我的童年)
canon n.教会法教规, 教规, (的)正典圣经(简称正经), 真经 经典 经文,一个作家的真作)
形近:cannon n.加农炮
carnation n.荷兰石竹, 康乃馨, 粉红色 (5月14日Mother's Day才给母亲买了一束康乃馨)
农民变成民兵就是militia,祭坛就是altar,人族的迫击炮就是mortar,死亡骑士的缠绕就是death coil, 注意不要和E.coli.大肠杆菌混淆。(我们微生物老师就是这样遭到BS的。)最经典的红宝中所谓“希腊神话中一种狮头羊身蛇尾的会喷火的怪物”, 就是奇美拉。(chimera) 所谓“怪兽状滴水嘴”就是石像鬼(gargoyle),还有诸如德鲁伊(druid)之类的词我都忘记红宝和颠峰里有没有了。
喜欢《暗黑破坏神》系列的把所有暗金装备的名字和过场的对白都看一下。什么arcane sanctuary(神秘庀护所),barbarian(野蛮人),necromancy(亡灵术),inferno(地狱火,女巫的技能)……数不清多少词是以前玩这个游戏时记住的,根本不用什么拆字。
不玩游戏的G友可能郁闷了,不过生活中也有好多啊!!惠普pavilion(大帐篷)系列的笔记本,宏基的inspire(灵感)系列的本本。我整天用BT下载,Bit torrent(洪流),用微软的浏览器(browser)上网,用excel(优秀的人)做表格。有时把朋友拖到pizza hut(简陋的房子)宰一顿。
电影音乐GRE词: 《肖申克的救赎》经典吧!(the shawshank redemption),知道有《现代启示录》(Apocalypse Now )这部电影的肯定记住apocalypse。喜欢U2的朋友都知道《how to dismantle(拆除) an atomic bomb》这张专集里面有首歌叫《vertigo》(眩晕)----yongtao补一句:希区柯克有一部影片好像也叫这个名字。
激爽Zest(zest n.兴趣,热情,刺激性)
飘柔Rejoice (rejoice v.使高兴)
缪丝Muse(muse v.沉思 Muse[希神]文艺、美术 、音乐等的缪斯女神
舒服佳Safeguard (safeguard vt.维护, 保护, 捍卫 n.安全装置, 安全措施)
佳洁士Crest(crest n.尖,鸡冠)
乐百氏Robust(robust adj.精力充沛的)
纠错: 雪碧 sprite 不是 spirit
我刚上初中时, NBA比赛之间常常播放Grant Hill的雪碧广告,里面“Hill drinks sprite“这句话俺那时开始就一直记得,发音拼写。因为喜欢希尔,我十几年来不喝百事,只喝雪碧。雪碧搞什么活动,我都去当义工。
女朋友是学生物的 经常听到 enzyme (n.[生化]酶)和 catalyst
我是学计算机 好像 Cisco 路由器,上面写的是 Catalyst ,不知道是不是网络催化剂
我注释几个相关词:catalysis n.催化作用 catalyze vt.催化, 刺激, 促进
cisco n.[动物]加拿大白鲑(一种青鱼)
路由器 router
cascade n.小瀑布, 喷流, 层叠 vi.成瀑布落下 (计算机网络、数据库中是“级联”的意思)
反义词:cataract 大而陡的瀑布
雀巢Nestle [nesli] (nestle [nesl] vi.舒适地坐定, 偎依 vt.抱, 安置)
甲骨文Oracle(美国ORACLE公司, 主要生产数据库产品, 也是主要的网络计算机的倡导者)
oracle n.(古希腊)神谕, 预言, 神谕处, 神使, 代神发布神谕的人, 哲人, 圣贤
我也有几个,日语里的"太君"进入英语变成大亨tycoon, 还有台风typhoon,据说也是从日语来的。
Arsenal 阿森纳(足球队) arsenal n.兵工厂, 军械库
Nirvana 涅盘 (乐队) nirvana n.天堂,涅盘
Maverick 小牛 maverick n.特立独行的人,没打烙印的动物
Spur 马刺 (感谢 寄托的liuqingzhi (LEO) 补充!)
CLIPPER 快船 clipper n.大剪刀, 快速帆船
lugubrious: 闷闷不乐的,悲哀的,mournful;esp. affectedly mournful
1) weighty, mournful, or gloomy, especially to an excessive degree: "Jake’s lugubrious monologues depressed his friends."
2) looking or sounding sad and dismal
3) sorrowful; mournful; dismal up
4) mournful excessively sad
lugubrious <> facetious, cheerful, sunny, jovial, sanguine
lugubrious : doleful
facetious(adj 幽默滑稽的);jovial(adj 快活的;高兴的)
lugubrious ◆ facetious/jovial 悲哀的 ◆ 幽默的/快乐的lugubriousness ◆ cheerfulness 悲哀 ◆ 高兴
1 : MOURNFUL especially : exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
–lu·gu·bri·ous·ly adverb e
–lu·gu·bri·ous·ness noun
Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree.
onerous: 繁重的, troublesome and oppressive, burdensome, arduous, backbreaking
1) troublesome and oppressive; burdensome
Onerous ------ troublesome and oppressive, burdensome
onerous ------ Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome it was an onerous situation
onerous ------ troubling; burdensome
onerous <> effortless, easy, unexacting
onerous : difficulty
1. The homework proved to be far less onerous than we had expected, and we finished it all in less than an hour.
2. The assignment was so extensive and difficult to manage that it proved onerous to the team in charge of
Synonyms: arduous, oppressive, troublesome
showing great consideration
requiring little effort
illuminate: make understandable
I asked a classmate to illuminate the professor's far-ranging lecture for me.
【考法1】vt. 照明: to make luminous or shining
【例】 to illuminate with a spotlight 用聚光灯照亮
【近】 bathe, beacon, emblaze, illume, illumine, irradiate, lighten
【反】 blacken, darken, obfuscate 使黯淡,使昏暗
【考法2】vt. 阐明: to make plain or understandable
【例】 Roosevelt′s New Deal illuminates what the role of government is in Keynesian Economics. 罗 斯福新政阐明了在凯恩斯主义中政府的作用
【近】 clarify, clear, construe, demonstrate, demystify, elucidate, explicate, expound, illustrate, interpret
【反】 obscure 使费解
【考法3】vt. 启迪,启发: to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understanding
【例】 how man is illuminated by a higher spirit 人们是如何被更高境界的思想开化的
【近】 edify, educate, enlighten, inspire, nurture
【反】 confuse, perplex, puzzle 使困惑
【派】 illumination n. 照明;启迪
attenuate: 减弱; reduced especially in thickness, density, or force; to make thin
1) to make thin or weak
2) to thin out; to weaken
3) make thin, weaken, enervate
attenuate <> intensify, strengthen, make thicker
Synonyms: debilitate, lessen, weaken
attenuate : thickness
attenuate : intensity
attenuate : density
attenuate : strength
attenuate : gas
attenuate : force
adj: attenuated
attenuated <> dense
UNMITIGATED <> attenuated
Her enthusiasm was attenuated by the length of the event; she did not like to be kept awake so late.
Water is commonly used to attenuate strong chemicals.
The chemist attenuated the solution by adding water