对于外语类学生而言,实践的难点在于专业知识的理解以及行文是否符合内行人的习惯,阅读股市投资的英文材料有助于理解语境和句子,阅读中文材料有助于理解股市投资背后的逻辑思维以及所谓的“行话”是怎么说的。比如trader在股市称为【操盘手】,close losing positions叫做【把亏损头寸平仓】。这些知识需要自己去涉猎,而且日后对实践也有很大的裨益。
无论是英译汉还是汉译英,个人主张不要删减原文信息,但要让原文更加“灵活”一些,在考试和实践中都应如此。一般情况下,中文句子较为简短,少用显性连接词,译文可以尽量跳脱原文框架,让汉语结构更松弛一些。比如As well as being instructive, the multiple rise, fall and comebacksof the ‘boy plunger’ is also a fascinating story in itself. 【“少年赌客”的数次大起大落和东山再起不仅给人启发,故事本身也耐人寻味。】再比如He was forced to issue a statement saying that he hadn’t beenworking with anyone else and that the market had collapsed because it wasovervalued.【无奈下他发表声明,说明自己没有和他人串通,市场崩盘是因为市场估价过高。】尽量避免句子过于冗长而导致的翻译腔。这需要我们坚持阅读外刊,提高语言理解能力,也就能更容易地跳出结构的束缚,更轻松地表达原文的意思。
我们对母语的理解会比外语好,因此只要粗略了解某个领域,汉译英的理解不会存在太大的问题,反而是英文的表达会有困难。同样,要学会跳脱语言的框架,保留原文信息的同时不要只停留在字面的对应,例如【事实上,当我们今天回顾历史可以发现,丝绸之路一开始就是一条文化交流之路。】In fact, a historical retrospect shows us that the Silk Road startedas a route of cultural and commodity exchanges. 【她们可以利用窑的余温让头发和衣服迅速烘干。】译文可以是The remaining heat of the kiln helped them flash-dry their hair andclothes. 此外,我们还可以多用衔接手段,但注意一方面不要强加堆叠动词,另一方面不要强加逻辑。如果不清楚每个中文短句之间的逻辑关系,尽量处理成平行结构;如果清楚逻辑关系为因果、转折、目的等,则加上since、but、to等连接词。否则,可能因背景知识的匮乏导致译文强加的逻辑出错,曲解了原文。同时,还要多留意国外期刊中有关中国文化的报道,看看外国人是怎么写中国文化。
另外,我建议大家在做某个领域的翻译前,去搜索一下外语类文件的行文特点,总结实用的句子和词汇,给出更地道的译文。比如【生产、加工使用或进出口化学物质的企业存在以下违法行为的,应由设区的市级以上的生态环境主管部门责令限期改正,公告其违法行为,记载其不良记录,处以罚款。】在法律文本里表示条件假设多用where,表示义务多用shall,因此译文可以是Where an enterprise that produces,processes, uses, imports or exports chemical substances commits any of thefollowing illegal acts, the competent department of ecology and environment ator above the city level with sub-districts shall …]。比如【风险函数两边同时除以并取对数就是回归方程】阅读Cox回归模型推导公式的材料,就不难翻译出这句话Take the naturallogarithm (ln) of each side by dividing, and we can have the regression equation.
保险业 the insurance industry
保证重点指出 ensure funding for priority areas
补发拖欠的养老金 clear up pension payments in arrears
不良贷款 non-performing loan
层层转包和违法分包 mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting
城乡信用社 credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas
城镇居民最低生活保障 a minimum standard of living for city residents
城镇职工医疗保障制度 the system of medical insurance for urban workers
出口信贷 export credit
贷款质量五级分类办法 the five-category assets classification for bank loans
防范和化解金融风险 take precautions against and reduce financial risks
防洪工程 flood-prevention project
非法外汇交易 illegal foreign exchange transaction
非贸易收汇 foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels
非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions
费改税 transform administrative fees into taxes
跟踪审计 foolow-up auditing
工程监理制度 the monitoring system for projects
国有资产安全 the safety of state-owned assets
过度开垦 excess reclamation
合同管理制度 the contract system for governing projects
积极的财政政策 pro-active fiscal policy
金融监管责任制 the responsibility system for financial supervision
靠扩大财政赤字搞建设 to increase the deficit to spend more on development
扩大国内需求 the expansion of domestic demand
拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
粮食收购企业 grain collection and storage enterprise
粮食收购资金实行封闭运行 closed operation of grain purchase funds
劣质工程 shoddy engineering
乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款 arbitrary charges,fund-raising,quotas and fines
骗汇、逃汇、套汇 obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage
融资渠道 financing channels
商业信贷原则 the principles for commercial credit
社会保险机构 social security institution
失业保险金 unemployment insurance benefits
偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税 tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes
外汇收支 foreign exchange revenue and spending
安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents
信息化 information-based; informationization
智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive
外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises
下岗职工 laid-off workers
分流 reposition of redundant personnel
三角债 chain debts
素质教育 education for all-round development
豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects
社会治安情况 law-and-order situation
“台独” "independence of Taiwan"
台湾当局 Taiwan authorities
台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots
台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.
西部大开发 Development of the West Regions
可持续性发展 sustainable development
通货紧缩 deflation
扩大内需 to expand domestic demand
计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )
虚拟现实 virtual reality
网民 netizen ( net citizen )
电脑犯罪 computer crime
网上购物 shopping online
学生减负 to reduce study load
1. 根据上下文辨词义。
2. 论褒贬,即要注意同义词之间有不同的语体色彩、使用范围及程度。
任何语言都有语体之分,有高雅的、通俗的、粗野 的,还有俚语、公文用语及术语等。文学作品中,作家通过不同的语体来刻画人物的性格特征,更是常用的方法。翻译时,必须审其雅俗,量其轻重,这样,才能恰如其分地表达原文的精神。
(1) 词义有轻重的不同
to expire 逝世
to pass away 与世长辞
to close (end) one's day 寿终
to breathe one's last 断气
to go west 归西天
to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘
to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉
to give up the ghost 见阎王
to kick the bucket 翘辫子
to kick up one's heels 蹬腿
She is having a baby.
She is expecting.
She is in the family way.
She is knitting little booties.
She is in a delicate condition.
She is in an interesting condition.
3. 看搭配。任何一种语言,在长期使用的过程中,会形成一种固定的词组或常见的搭配。这些比较固定的说法,有时可以译成另一种语言,有时则不行。翻译时,必须注意英汉两种语言中词的不同搭配。
He killed the man.
He killed his chances of success.
He killed the motion when it came from the committe e.
He killed three bottles of whisky in a week.
kill the peace 扼杀和平
kill the promise 取消诺言
kill a marriage 解除婚约
heavy crops 丰收
heavy news 令人悲痛的消息
heavy road 泥泞的路
heavy sea 波涛汹涌的海洋
heavy heart 忧伤的心
heavy reader 沉闷冗长的读物
a broken man 一个绝望的人
a broken soldier 一个残废军人
a broken promise 背弃的诺言
a broken spirit 消沉的意志
broken money 零钱