托福写作中正确使用标点符号也很重要,比如你错将句号用成逗号,那么就会导致一个句子中出现多个谓语。。下面小编就和大家分享托福写作中标点符号运用 ,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。
在并列连词(and, but, for, nor, or, yet )前使用,用来连接句中的各分句。
The principal reason for this is that none of them possesses chlorophyll,and since they cannot synthesize their own carbohydrates, they obtain their supplies either from the break down of dead organic matter or from other living organisms.
Further more the walls of fungal cells are not made of cellulose, as those of plants are, but of another complex sugar like polymer called chitin, thematerial from which the hard outer skeletons of shrimps, spiders, and insects are made.
They are a major cause of structural damage to building timbers, a cause of disease in animals and humans, and one of the greatest causes of agricultural losses.
Chemical fertilization,for example, helps to produce better crops, but is harmful to the environment.
For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active,successful over coming of adversity.
(1) 同位语。
The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may includemonkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines.
(2) 从句。
The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may includemonkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines.
当我们的作文达到21分的时候,其实句子里面严重的错误已经很少了,比如说一个句子缺少谓语,没有主语的情况已经很少了。多也就是写写stop smoking这样的Chinglish。简单来说,很硬性的语病已经不多了,可是这个时候,是令人茫然的时候,因为这个时候好像我们的已经达到了自己的极限,自己能做的全都已经做了,好像一下失去了前进的方向,更是因为作文是主观题,我们身边总是缺少一个判断标准。对于托福作文,一个很关键性的要求就是要用词准确,行文流畅。我们以前往往总是会陷入一个误区,就是要用大词,要写一些句式磅礴的句子。之所以这样就是因为现在中国95%以上的作文教师,尤其是托福作文教师对于什么样的作文才是满分作文缺乏一个概念,虽然很多人能考出高分作文,但是他们很难做出一个指向性,就像是他们杀鸡用牛刀,然后他们就认为杀鸡只能用牛刀,是一个道理。他们不知道,其实杀鸡的时候,只用一把菜刀就可以了,是一个道理。所以,这就是为什么现在很多国内的初中经常用博士来当老师,但是这些人一上课就发现,学生根本不喜欢听他在说什么,甚至这些教师还经常被学生赶走,就是这个道理。
Nevertheless, it would not work either if everybody just keep to themselves without communicating. It is also essential for roommates to share their experiences with one another and thus get close in their relationship. In this case, a good sense of humor can be a such a valuable quality as a single joke may break the silence and open up a nice conversation.
1 托福满分作文,要求的不是庞大的单词量,而是在已有的8000单词的准确应用。
2 想拿满分作文,不是靠单纯的堆砌复杂句就可以完成的,如果你还不相信这一点,请去中国各大留学论坛,看看一片哀嚎之音。
3 想要拿到30分,要求你写出更为具体化的例子,而不是单纯的泛泛而谈。
能,会,可以:can, (would) be able to, have thechance/opportunity to do.., get to do
应该:should, be supposed to, shall, have to, must,be required to, it is necessary for sb to
上升,增加:(vi.)increase, go up, rise, (vt.) increase,raise (n.) growth, rise, increase.
下降,减少/小:(vt.) decrease, reduce, lower (vi.) decrease,fall, drop, go/come down, decline. (n.) fall, decrease, decline, drop
变:change, alter, become(different/big/small/..), get, grow
知道,了解,意识到:know, be aware/concious of, realize, getinformation about
证实,表明:show, suggest, indicate, make it clear that
很大程度上,基本上:greatly, considerably, enormously,significantly, basically